Since the 2003 law, philanthropy has been developing strongly in France. Long confined to large fortunes, in recent years companies are also embarking on the adventure, whether by mere financial donations, in nature or skills or by the creation of a foundation, an endowment fund.

Philanthropy is part of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) approach, aimed at enhancing their image through the financing of projects of general interest.

Fourreau & Associates has made the mobilization of companies (SMEs, ETI, Large companies) its specialty. The firm intervenes, either in favor of structures looking for philanthropists, or with companies wishing to set up a philanthropy policy.


  • Notoriety : Raise the notoriety of the company by attracting the attention of the general public or a targeted audience.

  • Image: to expand the institutional image of the company: to seek a social valorization, a regional or national integration, a rehabilitation, a rejuvenation.

  • The Federation and motivation of the company employees.

  • The development of privileged human relationships between employees of a company (cohesion and team spirit, valorization by the association to an important event ...)